Rhonda Bunyan
Acrylic on board
500 x 500 mm (framed)
Kaitiaki: This artwork explores colonisation and the enduring spiritual connection of tangata whenua to the land (home). The bold, dark lettering ‘Kaitiaki’ serves as a declaration of guardianship and the unbroken bond between Māori and their whenua. The luminous white figures at the centre appear ethereal, embodying spiritual kaitiaki (guardians) watching over the land and its people. Their presence evokes a sense of resilience, protection, and spiritual guidance, standing firm amidst the forces of change and disruption. Above these guardians, red crosses symbolise the impact of colonisation, particularly the introduction of Christianity and Western structures that sought to redefine and often suppress indigenous beliefs. The crosses, interspersed with circular, halo-like motifs, suggest a complex interplay between imposed religious systems and the enduring spirituality of tangata whenua. The figures crowned with golden halos represent an eternal connection to the land that colonisation could not sever. They stand as a testament to the strength and sanctity of indigenous identity and guardianship.
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