Kia ora! Welcome!
Ko Ngongotaha te maunga
Ko Utuhina te awa
Ko Te Arawa te waka
Ko Te Arawa te iwi
Ko Ngāti Whakaue te hapu
Ko Te Kuirau te marae
Ko Te Roro o te Rangi te tangata
Ko Nikkita Koia toku ingoa
Nau mai, haere mai! I am a māmā of four beautiful tamariki, a wife, a kaiako (teacher) and a proud business owner. This pakihi started as a small hobby and has turned into what it is today with the help of so many. Poipoia Ōtautahi is built on aroha, whānau and manaakitanga.
We are a small business that does everything ourselves.
Right from harvesting the plants, to sending your orders off, everything is done at our whare. We love what we do and we feel so privileged to provide people with natural handmade skincare products that we believe in.
We are beginning to expand our product range beyond just skincare, whilst sticking to kaupapa of te ao Māori, whakapapa and connection.
Thank you for being with us alongside our journey.
Ngā mihi nui x
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